Our History
Several stages mark the lifeline of this restaurant from its origin in Azoque street (name of this restaurant) to the actual location in Casa Jimenez street since 2004.
Always linked to a gourmet kitchen and the high quality of their feedstock.
In this last stage, we added to our corporation Ivan Trasobares in 2017, and it was created a binomial with José María Fontanellas, which their closest and most loyal clients know very well, José María was lacking a professional like Ivan next to him. Ivan’s impeccable trajectory and his master craft with the kitchen stoves which he learned from the best like Pedro Subijana, Santi Santamaría, Carme Ruscalleda… Let’s say that José María and Ivan complement each other like their professional other halves.

Ivan in the machine room and José María in his dining room, doing what they like best, their passion. At the entrance of the restaurant you can read something that identifies both…
» Ours was an act of justice…
We stole gastronomy its essence because for years it stole our sleep… «
It’s also worth mentioning that these days Restaurant Azoque wouldn’t be the same, maybe wouldn’t be at all, if not thanks to the professionals that José María and Ivan are surrounded themselves with, the ones that are and the ones that were.
And of course thanks to the high demand and good palate of our clients that made us grow and keeps us happy and willing to improve daily.